once there was a Wise old man sat on the bank of a river, and started to ponder on the beauty around him and mumbled some words ..
And suddenly spotted a scorpion was in the water trying to save himself from drowning
the man decided to save him ..
The wise old man extended his hand, but the scorpion bite him so he withdrawal his hand with pain
then he tried again with the other hand, but the scorpion bite him again.
A minute later the old man tries to save the scorpion for the third time ..
but near him was another man sitting and watching the situation, and cried out: you wise man, didn't you get the warnings from the first time and second time and you are trying to save it for the third time?
the wise man didn't pay attention to the man and kept trying to save the scorpion till he succeeded.
Then he walked toward the man, patting on his shoulder, saying: my son it is the nature of a Scorpion to bite, and my human nature is love and compassionate.
so why do I allow his nature to overcome my nature?
The wisdom here,
Treat people according to your nature not theirs.
Whoever they are and no matter how many times you got hurt by their actions in some cases
Don't care about the voices that you hear sometimes asking you to leave or abandon your good nature because they don't deserve your noble actions.
always give and don't wait for a praise.
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